أنا عايزة أتعلم منك: How Do I Make My Kids Read?

A friend’s relative told me that she’d heard I knew a secret. Oh? I said.

Yes. أنا عايزة أتعلم منك: How do I make my kids read? Because, she said, her seven-year-old doesn’t like to read. She’d sent him to a special summer camp to improve his love of reading.

I asked: بالعربي أو بالإنجليزي؟

Either one, she said.

Hm, I said. I didn’t really have any advice that I knew of. How do you get a child to read? My children just love to read; I never really thought I’d put effort into that part of it. إحنا كلنا بنحب الكتب.

Oh, she said. Well, she doesn’t love books. She never reads. She associates reading with study, and doesn’t ever do it for fun. Besides, she hasn’t the time, and so on, and so forth.

Oh, I said.


I guess I do know a secret. You can’t magically make your children pick up litter or brush their teeth or read books if you don’t believe in it, and enjoy it, and do it yourself.

How do you get your child to read? Find books you enjoy. Take time to read. Love reading. (If you need help with this, you can visit my grown-up blog, ArabLit.)

Current kid favorites: My three-year-old wants to read the آدم و أصدقاء  books (and do the cards) every morning.

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6 Responses to أنا عايزة أتعلم منك: How Do I Make My Kids Read?

  1. Current kid favorites: My three-year-old wants to read the آدم و أصدقاء books (and do the cards) every morning
    that’s great .. it seems that you play with cards in a lovely way ..
    let see this by video ( on YouTube ) 🙂

    • mlynxqualey says:

      Sure, ok! We do lots of things with the cards… We can sort them, we can trade them, we can read them, we can make stories out of them… Rami loves cards.

  2. Sophie says:

    How true! Our kids are surrounded by books, as we are, books are everywhere in our home, even a dozen in each child’s bed!! they can’t sleep without them! Reading shouldn’t be an “effort”, only a timeless pleasure…And of course, when kids constantly see their parents with a book in hands, it can only help transmitting the joy of reading!
    We’re trying to get “Adam wal asdiqa” here, I still didn’t find it (at a decent price I mean). So, still waiting;)

  3. Kinna says:

    Thank you, thank you. We cannot stress this enough. Most children will love reading if their parents read and if their parents read to them and appear to enjoy doing so. I know, it’s difficult when you are asked to read the same book 10 times :). But really, that all that it takes. Not rocket science at all. Thanks for the post.

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